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nesecito una oracion con los vervos : asked explained forgot was excited listened faced were existed said agreed finished settled seats tried had felt climbed life disappointed todas la oraciones en ingles

Sagot :


I asked my mom about my homework.

I explained my sister about the book.

I forgot to send my homework to the teacher last day.

I was excited when i saw my dog playing in the yard.

I listened my favorite rock band on the radio.

 I faced him to know the truth.

We were on Camila´s parry last saturday.



I said to her but she didnt care about that.


I finally finished my homework last night.


I tried to do my best in the game.

I had many friends before moving another city,

I felt as inloved when i was 10.

I climbed the mountain with my parents on sunday.

She told me it  s her life so i dont want to give her more advices.

I was dissapointed when she told me she doesnt want to finish school anymore.