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Sagot :
Michael J. Fox was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada as Michael Andrew Fox. His parents, Bill and Phyllis Fox, moved their ten-year-old son, his three sisters, Kelli Fox, Karen and Jacki and his brother Steven to Vancouver, British Columbia, after his dad, a sergeant in the Canadian Army Signal Corps, retired. It was during these years that Michael developed his desire to act. At age 15, he successfully auditioned for the role of a 10-year-old in a series called "Leo and Me" (1981). Gaining attention as a bright new star in Canadian television and movies, Michael realized his love for acting when he appeared on stage in "The Shadow Box". At age 18, he moved to Los Angeles and was offered a few roles in television shows but early acting success ended fast when the roles stopped coming. For a while, he survived on boxes of macaroni and cheese. Then his agent called to tell him that he got the part of Alex P. Keaton on the situation comedy "Enredos de familia" (1982). He starred in the feature films De pelo en pecho (1985), Lío en la universidad (1983) (TV), Movida en el campamento (1985) (TV) and Regreso al futuro (1985).
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