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conversacion en ingles de navidad de 4 personas

Sagot :

Aquí tienes una corta conversación entre cuatro personas situada en la época de Navidad

Kristen: Hey, guys! What’s up?
Carol: Everything’s great! We’re here buying some Christmas presents
Sara: Yes, we’re almost done
Natasha: Me too, almost there
Michelle: I’m doing that too! I am so behind. I can’t believe that tomorrow is Christmas already! See you guys tomorrow.

The next day, at Christmas…

Carol: Hey! Merry Christmas, Kristen!
Kristen: Same to you!
Sara: Are you guys having fun so far?
Natasha: Yes, we are!
Kristen: What a spectacular day!
Carol: It is pretty great, the snow looks heavenly.
Sara: It’s so good that we are can be here all together, that's the best thing that could happen at Christmas!
Michelle: It's true!
Carol: Yes, I'm having great a great time with you guys. Let’s hope that this happens every year! 

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