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Sagot :
AND: en español corresponde a la conjunción copulativa "y". Esta es empleada para unir varias frases y/o palabras.
Lista de oraciones empleando AND
- She's tall and beautiful
- I like the ice creams and the sodas
- The skirt is long and red
- Sam has a good dy and nice arms
- I like to swim and sing
BUT: es la conjunción adversativa "pero" del idioma español y va siempre precedida de una coma cuando es usada.
Lista de oraciones empleando BUT:
- He is a great swimmer, but he prefers to play golf
- I prefer coffee, but my sister prefers the chocolate
- I like the candies, but I prefer the snacks
- He was not only rich but, also handsome.
- Mary is not only my wife, but, also my best friend.
SO: es una conjunción resultativa que une oraciones y tiene correspondencia con el uso de "por tanto" y "por eso" en el español.
Lista de oraciones empleando SO:
- Tomorrow is my birthday so i need to be beautiful
- Autumn leaves will fade and so will I
- We are no great friends of his, so we were not invited to his birthday
- She is busy so i will call her mom
- He is so handsome
5 oraciones con cada una: so, but, and
- I am going to cook so i'm going to turn on the kitchen.
- You're going to travel, so yo need a luggage.
- She is driving so i'm not going to call her.
- He is practicing for the class, so i'm going to help him.
- My mom is working so i´m going to do the dinner.
- Marta and Juan are going to school
- He is handsome and intelligent.
- She is a dancer and a journalist
- Julia and Carlos have a relationship.
- My sister and her dog are walking in the park.
- He likes pizza but i prefer sushi.
- Maria wants to swim in the pool but she cant.
- Sebas likes that car but is not blue.
- She drinks coke but is bad for health.
- I like to dance flamenco but i don't have time.
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