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¡¡¡necesito ayuda me podrian dar ejemplos de oraciones con los siguientes verbos en pasado en ingles y español porfavo!!!r: acceptep, answered, arrived, was/were, became, belonged, began, broke, built, cleaned, climbed, closed, came, cast, cut, cooked, did, drank, dared, dated, dessed, ate, ended, erased, expected, fell, felt, finished, followed, helped, hurried, had, heard, hit, jumped, learned, liked, let, lost, made, met


Sagot :

I have been acecepted in that school  (Yo he sido aceptada en esa escuela)


I couldnt answered all the exam (No logre responder toda la evaluacion)


Yesterday John arrived to his home late (Ayer john se fue a la casa tarde)


My mom was in the work when my sister get accident (Mi mama estaba en el trabajo cuando mi hermana se accidento)


Yesterday Laura began shes experiment for spanish (Ayer laura empezo su experimento para español)


Last week i broke my computer while i was sleeping (La semana pasada rompi mi computador mientras estaba dormida)


I have cleaned my bedroom (Ya he limpiado mi cuarto)


Sebastian built last month the biggest office ( sebastian construyo la oficina mas grande)


Last sunday i climbed with my family (El pasado domingo escale con mi familia)


I let my car close there (Yo deje mi carro cerca de alli)


Sara came to my house with shes boyfriend (sara vino a mi casa con su novio)


Yesterday my dog get cut (ayer mi perro fue cortado)


I loved when my mom cooked in my birthday (Ame cuando mi mama me cocino en mi cumpleaños)


I already did my homeworks (Yo ya hice mis tareas)


yesterday julio drank too many water ( ayer julio tomo mucha agua)


I already had bought those shose (Yo ya compre esos zapatos)


One day i heard a dog talking (un dia escuche a un perro hablando)


Yesterday my  mom helped me in mathematics homework (ayer mi mama me ayudo en las tareas de matematicas)



Faltaron estas

became,cast dessed, ate, ended, erased, expected, fell, felt, finished, followed fell, felt,  hit, jumped, learned, liked, let, lost, made, metfinished, followed