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Sagot :
Have you been to Rome? yes, I have been many times
Where have you been? I have been on holiday?
How long has she lived in London? I have lived in London sice 1975
Have you read that novel? No I haven't read that novel yet
Has she been in the pak this evening? No she hasn't been in the park, she has been in my home
How long have you studied? I have studied for two hours
has she seen your brother? Yes, she has seen your brother this morning
- Why has Maximiliano travelled to Europe? Maximiliano has travelled to Europe because he has a meeting there.
- Has he finished reading my book? No, he hasn't finished reading your book.
- Have you worked for your father? Yes, I have worked for my father.
- Have you studied in that university for many years? No, I haven't studied in that university for many years.
- I have to go, have we talked for more than four hours? Yes, we have talked for more than four hours.
- Have you cooked something special for me? No, I haven't cooked something special for you.
Para ver más visita: https://brainly.lat/tarea/382412

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