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Hola , porfavor podrian traducirme esto al ingles , porfavor NO traductor ,si no bien traducido fue un terremoto submarino que ocurrió a las 00:58 UTC, o 07:58 en el tiempo local de la región del domingo 26 de diciembre de 2004 (21:58 hora costa del Pacífico Oeste del sábado 25 de diciembre de 2004), con epicentro en la costa del oeste de Sumatra, Indonesia. El terremoto ocasionó una serie de tsunamis devastadores a lo largo de las costas de la mayoría de los países que bordean el océano Índico, matando a una gran cantidad de personas a su paso e inundando a una gran cantidad de comunidades costeras a través de casi todo el sur y sureste de Asia, incluyendo partes de Indonesia, Malasia, Sri Lanka, India y Tailandia. Aunque las estimaciones iniciales habían determinado el número de muertes en más de 275.000, sin contar a los millares de personas desaparecidas, un análisis más reciente generado por las Naciones Unidas deja a un total de 229.866 pérdidas humanas, incluyendo 186.983 muertos y 42.883 personas desaparecidas. La muestra excluye de 400 a 600 personas que podrían haber fallecido en Birmania, lo que representa muchas más que los 61 muertos que dejan las proyecciones del gobierno central. Si las estadísticas de Myanmar son confiables, el número de muertes ascenderían a por lo menos 230.000 personas, por lo cual la catástrofe es el noveno desastre natural más mortal de la historia moderna. El desastre es conocido en Asia y en los medios internacionales como el tsunami asiático; se le llama boxing tsunami en Australia, Canadá, Nueva Zelanda, y el Reino Unido, porque ocurrió el boxing day, puesto que el 26 de diciembre es día de fiesta llamado así en esos países. El tsunami ocurrió exactamente un año después del terremoto de 2003 que devastó la ciudad iraní meridional de Bam y exactamente dos años antes del terremoto de Hengchun del 2006.

Sagot :

was an undersea earthquake that occurred at 00:58 UTC, or 7:58 local time in the region on Sunday December 26, 2004 (21:58 hours Pacific West Coast on Saturday December 25, 2004), with epicenter off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The earthquake caused a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most countries bordering the Indian Ocean, killing large numbers of people and flooding in its wake a large number of coastal communities through nearly all south and Southeast Asia, including parts of Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. Although initial estimates had determined the death toll at more than 275,000, not counting the thousands of missing persons, a more recent analysis generated by the UN leaves a total of 229,866 casualties, including 186,983 dead and 42,883 missing. The sample excludes 400 to 600 people may have died in Burma, which is far more than the 61 deaths that leave the central government projections. If statistics are reliable Myanmar, the number of deaths would amount to at least 230,000 people, of which the catastrophe is the ninth deadliest natural disaster in modern history. The disaster is known in Asia and in the international media as the Asian Tsunami, tsunami is called boxing in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK, because it happened on boxing day since December 26 is a holiday named in these countries. The tsunami occurred exactly one year after the 2003 earthquake that devastated the southern Iranian city of Bam and exactly two years before the 2006 Hengchun earthquake.






it was an underwater earthquake that occurred at 00:58 UTC, or 07:58 in the local time of the region on Sunday, December 26, 2004 (9:58 p.m. West Pacific Coast on Saturday, December 25, 2004), with epicenter on the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The earthquake caused a series of devastating tsunamis along the shores of most countries bordering the Indian Ocean, killing a large number of people in its path and flooding a large number of coastal communities across almost everything South and Southeast Asia, including parts of Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. Although initial estimates had determined the number of deaths in more than 275,000, not counting thousands of missing persons, a more recent analysis generated by the United Nations leaves a total of 229,866 human losses, including 186,983 dead and 42,883 missing persons. The sample excludes 400 to 600 people who could have died in Burma, which represents many more than the 61 dead left by central government projections. If Myanmar's statistics are reliable, the number of deaths would amount to at least 230,000 people, so the catastrophe is the ninth deadliest natural disaster in modern history. The disaster is known in Asia and in international media as the Asian tsunami; It is called a tsunami boxing in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, because boxing day occurred, since December 26 is a holiday named in those countries. The tsunami occurred exactly one year after the 2003 earthquake that devastated the southern Iranian city of Bam and exactly two years before the 2006 Hengchun earthquake.


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