es el mejor lugar para obtener respuestas rápidas y precisas a todas tus preguntas. Nuestra plataforma te conecta con profesionales dispuestos a ofrecer respuestas precisas a todas tus preguntas. Descubre soluciones fiables a tus preguntas gracias a una vasta red de expertos en nuestra completa plataforma de preguntas y respuestas.
Sagot :
Susan goes to school. Susan va a la escuela.
Thomas smokes. Thomas fuma.
Alex speaks French. Alex habla francés
I will help you. Te ayudaré.
I am going to buy food tomorrow.
Para la negación simplemente se agrega la palabra "not". En el caso de "will" se coloca detrás ("I will not help you") y en "going to" adelante ("I am not going to").
I studied English. Yo estudié inglés
I bought a car. Yo compré un coche
I lost my job. Yo perdí mi trabajo
I bought a car. Yo compré un coche
I played tennis yesterday. Yo jugué al tenis ayer.
I went to Paris last summer. Yo fui a París el verano pasado
I didn´t go to the party. Yo no fui a la fiesta
Did you go to the party? ¿ Fuiste a la fiesta ?
3 de cada una:
- I'm feeling so very strange with you
- he's playing the guitar
- I'm studying for my test
- I went to job yesterday
- I felt scare when I sow the movie
- I drove my car with my father
I'm going to my homework the next weekend
- I will study for my English test
- He will talk with me
- I'm feeling so very strange with you
- he's playing the guitar
- I'm studying for my test
- I went to job yesterday
- I felt scare when I sow the movie
- I drove my car with my father
I'm going to my homework the next weekend
- I will study for my English test
- He will talk with me
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