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escribanme 8 oraciones con el verbo to be en ingles possitive negative y interrogant

Sagot :

1. A-Henry is a big boy.
N-Henry is NOT a big boy.
I-Is Henry a big boy?
2. A-Mary is a girl.
N-Mary is NOT a girl.
I-Is Mary a girl?
3. A- Fred is a student.
N-Fred is NOT a student.
I-Is Fred a student?
4. A-Mr. Jones is in the classroom.
N-Mr. Jones is NOT in the classroom.
I-Is Mr. Jones in the classroom?
5. A-This is a window.
N-This is NOT a window.
I-Is this a window?
6. A-This is a box.
N-This is NOT a box.
I-Is this a box?
7. A-This box is big.
N-This box is NOT big.
I-Is this box a big?
8. A-This boy is Mike.
N-This boy is NOT Mike.
I-Is this boy Mike?
9. A-This book is on my desk.
N-This book is NOT on my desk.
I-There is NOT a store in the corner?
10. A-There is a store in the corner.
N-There is NOT a store in the corner.
I-Is there a store in the corner?

alli estan uno por uno de el mismo ejemplo su negativa su positiva y su interrogativa espero que te ayude :)


1. A-Joel is a big boy.
N-Joel is NOT a big boy.
I-Is Joel a big boy?
2. A-Maria is a girl.
N-Maria is NOT a girl.
I-Is Maria a girl?
3. A- Freddy is a student.
N-Freddy is NOT a student.
I-Is Freddy a student?
4. A-Mr. Jonesse is in the classroom.
N-Mr. Jonesse is NOT in the classroom.
I-Is Mr. Jonesse in the classroom?
5. A-This is a window.
N-This is NOT a window.
I-Is this a window?
6. A-This is a box.
N-This is NOT a box.
I-Is this a box?
7. A-This box is big.
N-This box is NOT big.
I-Is this box a big?
8. A-This boy is JAMES.
N-This boy is NOT JAMES.
I-Is this boy JAMES?
9. A-This book is on my desk.
N-This book is NOT on my desk.
I-There is NOT a store in the corner?
10. A-There is a store in the corner.
N-There is NOT a store in the corner.
I-Is there a store in the corner?


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