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tengo que hacer un escrito sobre algun festival nacional

Sagot :

Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar

The International Song Festival of Vina del Mar is a music festival held annually in the resort city of Vina del Mar, Chile, during February. Also commonly called Viña del MarFestival, Festival de Viña, or simply the Festival. Organized since 1959, is widely considered one of the most important music festivals in the world and the most important musical event of the continent americano.1
The event, held at the Quinta Vergara amphitheater with a capacity of over 15,000 spectators, is broadcast live on television and radio. The Festival of Vina reaches recordmeasurements in television rankings and move millions of dollars in sponsorship, TVpartners, advertising and tourism, among others.2 Although international competitionsand folk were the source of the event, the invited artists have become the real highlight of the Festival, the powers relegated to second place in terms of media importance.
Since the release LII, and four years in total, production and broadcast of the event will be held by the television station Chilevision.