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me podrian decir un dialogo en ingles que tenga al menos 20 lineas y es de 5 personas  debe tener 20 lineas entre las 5

Sagot :

Class Reunion

Charles: Hey everyone, what are you guys up to.

Nancy: Hey Charles, how have you been. You look different.

Michael: Hi guys, lets get this party started.

Charles: Michael, it’s been quite a while since I last saw you. You have really changed. Did you lose weight?

Michael: That’s right, I started exercising and eating healthier. You know to feel better.

Nancy: Wow Michael, you do look much leaner. You too Charles, you have gotten much taller since I last saw you.

Charles: Hey where is John?

John: Right behind you Charles. I just got here from my job. I was really busy and thought I would not be able to make it.

Lucy: Hey everyone, how are you.

Espero te Ayude, Saludos.