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oraciones con las siguientes palabras sleep,eat breakfast,eat lunch,do television,eat dinner,play soccer porfa

Sagot :

my mom sleep in the room
in my breakfast i eat a egg and milk
i eat my lunch at 12:30
i have to do my homework of matematics
i dont have time to watch televicion
i eat my lunch at seven o'clock
i play soccer every day

1)sleep: i can´t  wait to sleep
2)eat : i can eat a lot
3)eat breakfast: I want to do and eat my breakfast fast
4)eat lunch: I'll eat for lunch?
5)do homework: have to do the urgent task
6)watch televisión :I have a lot of stress i need looking at the each guestâ overcomplicate
7)eat dinner: We can eat dinner is further cooled
8)play soccer :the  soccer is good for your health