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5 oraciones con be going afirmativas y cambiarlas a interrogativas y responder de manera afirmativa y negativa

Sagot :

I'm going to your house right now
Are you going to my house right now?
yes, I'm going to your house right now
no, I'm not going to your house right now

she is doing her homework 
is she doing her homework?
yes, she is doing her homework
no, she is not doing her homework

he is swimming in the sea
is he swimming in the sea?
yes, he is swimming in the sea
no, he is not swimming in the sea

they are running in the park
are they running in the park?
yes, they are running in the park
no, they are not running in the park

we are studying for the test
are we studying for the test?
yes, we are studying for the test
no, we are not studying for the test