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Help!! Como se escribe: 11:30 , 12:10 , 12:30 , 13:45 , 14:30 y 13:00 pm , en letra en ingles 

Sagot :

The hour in English

- 11:30: Eleven thirty/ Eleven and a half/ Eleven and thirty minutes

- 12:10: Twelve and ten minutes

- 12:30: Twelve thirty/ twelve and a half/ twelve and thirty minutes

- 13:45: Quarter for two/ One and fortyfive minutes

- 14:30: Two and a half/ Two thirty/ Two and thirty minutes

- 13:00: One pm

  • 11:30 am: it's thirty minutes to twelfth in the morning, it's eleven thirty in the morning,  it's thirty minutes past eleven in the morning, it's half past eleven in the morning.
  • 12:10: it's fifty minutes to thirteenth, it's twelve ten, it's ten minutes past twelve.
  • 12:30: it's thirty minutes to thirteenth, it's twelve thirty, it's thirty minutes past twelve, it's half past twelve.
  • 13:45 pm: it's fifteen minutes to fourteenth, it's quarter to fourteenth, it's thirteenth forty five in the afternoon, it's forty five minutes past thirteenth in the afternoon.
  • 14:30 pm: it's thirty minutes to fifteenth in the afternoon, it's twelfth thirty in the afternoon, it's thirty minutes past twelfth in the afternoon, it's half past twelfth in the afternoon.
  • 13:00 pm: it's thirteenth o'clock in the afternoon.

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