está aquí para ayudarte a encontrar respuestas a todas tus preguntas con la ayuda de expertos. Únete a nuestra plataforma para conectarte con expertos dispuestos a ofrecer respuestas detalladas a tus preguntas en diversas áreas. Conéctate con una comunidad de expertos dispuestos a ayudarte a encontrar soluciones precisas a tus interrogantes de manera rápida y eficiente.
Sagot :
5 oraciones positivas con going to
1) I am going to see you tomorrow
2) She is going to give him a kiss
3) We are going to stay home tonight
4) My brother is going to visit us tomorrow.
5) You are going to do it.
5 oraciones negativas con going to
1) I am not going to get up early tomorrow
2) Diana is not going to get married with me in December
3) We are not going to stay home tonight
4) She is not going to give him a kiss
5) My brother is not going to visit us tomorrow
5 oraciones positivas con will
1) He will study for his English class.
2) She will play the piano
3) He will enjoy his English class
4) They will play tennis next Sunday
5) He will watch his son in the race
5 oraciones negativas con will
1) We will not play in the park next week.
2) She will not do the work of two people.
3) They will not play tennis next Sunday.
4) She will not play the piano
5) He will not carry the books in a briefcase
1) I am going to see you tomorrow
2) She is going to give him a kiss
3) We are going to stay home tonight
4) My brother is going to visit us tomorrow.
5) You are going to do it.
5 oraciones negativas con going to
1) I am not going to get up early tomorrow
2) Diana is not going to get married with me in December
3) We are not going to stay home tonight
4) She is not going to give him a kiss
5) My brother is not going to visit us tomorrow
5 oraciones positivas con will
1) He will study for his English class.
2) She will play the piano
3) He will enjoy his English class
4) They will play tennis next Sunday
5) He will watch his son in the race
5 oraciones negativas con will
1) We will not play in the park next week.
2) She will not do the work of two people.
3) They will not play tennis next Sunday.
4) She will not play the piano
5) He will not carry the books in a briefcase
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