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Oraciones con Be able to en pasado presente y futuro por favor
diez puntosss

Sagot :

pasado: I was able to swim when I was 5 years old
      I was be able to make an origami
I was able to play chess.
I was able to ride bike.
I was able to drive a car.

Presente:  Peter is able to speak French
He is able to pay soccer.
She is able to fly a kite
My dog is able to jump.
Rosa is able to dance

Futuro: I will be able to write a poem.
I will be able to speak Chinese
She will be able to read very fast.
He will be able to play basketball.
I will be able to do a cellphone.

Oraciones con be able to en pasado:

  • I was able to do it because you taught me.
  • We were able to study everyday.
  • She wasn't able to talk to them.
  • He was able to call his mother after the concert.

Oraciones con be able to en presente:

  • Paola is able to speak eight languages fluently.
  • Are you able to hear me well?
  • She's able to finish her career.
  • I'm able to get in touch with my best friend now.

Oraciones con be able to en futuro:

  • I will be able to help you with your homework tomorrow.
  • She will be able to attend the party next sunday.
  • We will be able to arrive on time.
  • He will be able to speak several foreign languages.

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