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ayudemen con 100 oraciones en ingles de across from

Sagot :

Many illegal aliens enter the U.S. across the Mexican border.
The prisoner tried to escape across the border while out on bail.
Camels are very useful beasts for transporting goods across the desert.
The wind blows cold across the Shetland Islands in winter.
The deer ran across the meadow and disappeared into the brush.
solo t puedo ayudar con 5 espero k siirva masksea un pokiiithO!!
Many illegal aliens enter the U.S. across the Mexican border.
The prisoner tried to escape across the border while out on bail.
Camels are very useful beasts for transporting goods across the desert.
The wind blows cold across the Shetland Islands in winter.
The deer ran across the meadow and disappeared into the brush.
I went across from the river 
I will be waiting you across from the library 
I want to go across from the ocean 
I should be with my mom across from the park 
I had to go across from the pool