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Necesito que me traduscan estas oraciones en ingles

1.mi familia y yo visitamos la playa y disfrutamos mucho

2.mi amiga me invito a su cumpleaños y isimos bromas yla pasamos super bien

3.fui al cine con mi mama vimos una pelicula y comimos popcorn

4.visitamos el mall mucho y me compraron ropa y muchas cosas.

5.en mi casa vi televicion y escuche musica.

6. Fuimos al zologico y de todos los animales me gusto mucgoel leon

7.Corri bicicleta con mis amigos y todo fue muy divertido

Sagot :

1.My family and me visit the beach and enjoyed
2.my friend invited me to his birthday and we had a great andthe jokes
3. I did go with my mom, saw a movie and eat popcorn.
4. we visit the mall and I bought and so much things.
5. in my house saw tv and did listen music.
6.we went to zoo and of all animals i liked lion mucgoel.
7.I did biking with my friends and was fun.
This is my answer Kari4651:

1. My family and I visited the beach and enjoyed.
2. My friend invited me to his birthday and we andthe jokes isimos super good.
3. I went to the movies with my mom watched a movie and ate popcorn.
4. We visited the mall a lot and I bought clothes and many things.
5. In my house I saw TV and listen to music.
6. We went to zologico and I like all animals mucgoel leon.
7. I ride a bike with my friends and everything was fun.