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10 Oraciones con ''going to'' en ingles 

Sagot :

El going to es un tiempo que usamos en inglés para hablar del futuro y se traduce por "ir a (hacer algo)". Ej: voy a comprar, vamos a vender, va a invitar

Aquí tienes 10 oraciones con going to

1.     I am going to play baseball

2.     you are going to study math

3.     robots are going to teach us

4.     they are going to swin in the pool

5.     he is going to do his homework

6.     she is going to dance tonight

7.     They are going to study all night

8.     My dads are going to vacations this summer

9.     Im going to be graduate next year

10.  She is going to make a cake today


I'm going to see you tomorrow. ...

He's going to visit her next week. ...

They're going to eat out tonight. ...

She's going to leave for Europe on Monday. ...

She's going to wait me after the show. ...

I'm going to get up early tomorrow. ...

It's going to rain today. ...

You're going to study to be a lawyer.
