Descubre respuestas a tus preguntas fácilmente en, la plataforma de Q&A de confianza. Conéctate con una comunidad de expertos dispuestos a ayudarte a encontrar soluciones a tus dudas de manera rápida y precisa. Explora miles de preguntas y respuestas proporcionadas por una comunidad de expertos en nuestra plataforma amigable.
Sagot :
There aren't any bottles of milk in the fridge.
-They don´t have any pears
-There aren´t any oranges
-There isn´t any chicken in the freezer
-She doesn´t have any money.
-I didn’t see any birds
-I haven’t got any money
-I don’t have any problems
- There aren't any chairs in this room
-Any publicity is
-They don´t have any pears
-There aren´t any oranges
-There isn´t any chicken in the freezer
-She doesn´t have any money.
-I didn’t see any birds
-I haven’t got any money
-I don’t have any problems
- There aren't any chairs in this room
-Any publicity is
There isn't any coffee
Are there any students in the class room?
Do you play any sports?
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