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Sagot :
Se utiliza para acciones que van a ocurrir pronto o para decir algún plan.
- Positivas:
Sujeto +
(am, is, are) Verbo BE + GOING TO + Verbo en INFINITIVO + Complemento
- Negativas:
Sujeto + (am, is, are) Verbo BE + Not GOING TO + Verbo en INFINITIVO + Complemento
- Interrogante:
(am, is, are) Verbo BE + Sujeto + GOING TO + Verbo en INFINITIVO + Complemento + ?
30 oraciones con GOING TO:
- He isn't going to play football tonight.
- She is not going to the cinema.
- Are they going to play tennis?
- You are going to work tomorrow.
- We’re not going to eat pizza today.
- Are you going to buy this?
- I am going to play soccer.
- She is going to swim in the pool.
- He is going to jump in the park.
- You are going to write a poem.
- We are going to sing the song.
- They are going to eat a coke.
- He is not going to play basketball.
- She is going to the school.
- They are going to run in the competition.
- We are going to speak English.
- Are you going to wash your dog?
- They are going to study math.
- She’s going to be a Doctor.
- Are we going to the beach this weekend?
- I’m going to see my family next week.
- I’m going to be a Lawyer.
- Is Patrick going to Paris next year?
- My parents aren't going to build another room in our house.
- I’m going to move to Austria on May.
- Susan’s going to have a baby.
- Marc’s going to buy a car.
- My grandparents are going to travel to Africa.
- I’m not going to write a book.
- I’m going to do my homework.
Cuando utilizamos “going to” hacemos referencia a una oración en futuro que expresa una acción que se ha decidido hacer con la intención de realizarse. Este tiempo verbal es conocido en inglés como Futuro con going to.
30 oraciones con going to son:
- She is not going to buy a new cellphone
- I am not going to look for something to eat
- It is going to rain
- I think I am going to be sick
- Things are going to get worse
- We are not going to travel by plane
- Peter is not going to do the exam
- He is not going to cross the road
- My friend is going to dance tonight
- I am not going to clean my room
- We are going to watch tv tonight
- She is not going to buy some books tomorrow
- I am going to have lunch this afternoon
- They are not going to play tennis
- He is going to be late
- Andrea is not going to travel next week
- Camilo is going to have holidays this summer
- She is going to study to be an engineer
- My boyfriend is going to visit me tomorrow
- She is going to sing next year
- We are going to travel by train
- The engineer is going to build the road
- He is going to go at cinema
- You are going to have breakfast
- He is going to play tennis
- They are going to write a letter
- Andrea is going to buy an umbrella
- I am going to cook my dinner
- She is going to call her boyfriend
- The supermarket is not going to open early
Oraciones con going to afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas:
Going to se utiliza para expresar una acción que se ha decidido hacer y que de cierta manera es planeada con el fin de realizarse. Este tiempo verbal se puede plantear en forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa
Oraciones con going to afirmativas:
Sujeto + am/is/are + going to + verbo + complemento
- I am going to drink a bottle of water
- She is going to run around the park
- We are going to sleep early
Oraciones con going to negativas:
Sujeto + am/ is/ are + not + going to + verbo + complemento
- I am not going to drink a bottle of water
- She is not going to run around the park
- We are not going to sleep early
Oraciones con going to interrogativas:
Am/ is /are + sujeto + going to + verbo + complemento +?
- Am I going to drink a bottle of water?
- Is she going to run around the park?
- Are we going to sleep early?
Por lo tanto, para plantear 20 oraciones con going to negativas, se debe seguir la estructura mencionada teniendo en cuenta que para el pronombre I se utiliza am not, para los pronombres he, she, it se utiliza is not y para los pronombres we, you, they se utiliza are not
Puedes profundizar en el tema consultando los siguientes links:
- 20 oraciones utilizando going to:
- 20 oraciones con going to:
- Oraciones con going to afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas:
Asignatura: Inglés
Nivel: Secundaria

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