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hacer una redaccion sobre mis peores vacaciones (urgenteee!! para mañana!!)

Sagot :


my worst family holiday i habe eber had:we spent only 3 nights of a 14 night holiday at lena.The 2 bedroomed family roon ´s right next to the noisy late night bar and kitchen.The noise went on all night till the next morning and the owners were  un-friedly and not interested in resolbing  the problem.Their was no hot water or maid serbice during this time ethier.In the end after complaining  to both the owners and our trabel-company .I had to relocate my family  to neightbouring manos apartament(which ar muchbetter) to gets  some sleep                                  espero que te des cuenta  corrijas donde sea pertinente...serbice,trabel