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fundamentos teóricos e implicaciones en el estudio de niño niña y adolescente?

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Sffrtnfrattnn litHiillt ! ii ; illiiHiliiliiUiiiliiSliliiiiiimiiiiiii;; .aiiniritiHiiniiHiiiiiiiillnliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii IHtbrarg Prof, Alfred Fcrretti Household Refrigeration A COMPLETE TREATISE ON THE PRINCIPLES, TYPES, CONSTRUCTION, AND OPERATION OF BOTH ICE AND MECHANICALLY COOLED DOMESTIC REFRIGERATORS, AND THE USE OF ICE AND REFRIGERATION IN THE HOME H. B": HULL, M.E. Refrigeration Engineer Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged PUBLISHERS: NICKERSON & COLLINS CO., CHICAGO / r H9 Copyright, 19^4, 1926 and 1927 XlCKERSON AND COLLINS Co ALL RIGHTS RESESVED Pke^' of icE AND Refrigeration Chicago-New York PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION In developing this work on "Household Refrigeration," the first of the kind published, the author has endeavored to present a subject in its broadest sense. Attention has been given to the production of refrigera- tion for any household or domestic purpose by both ice and mechanically cooled refrigerators. The work consists of a treatise on the principles, types, construction and operation of both ice and mechanically cooled refrigerators, including therein certain considerations on the use of ice and refrigera- tion in the home. It is believed that this work will not only be found to be interesting and instructive to designers, manufacturers, deal- ers, and distributors, of both ice and mechanically cooled refrigerators, but also will be of interest to the householder, Ijll who employs refrigeration in either of the aforementioned systems. The author has drawn extensively on his experience as a refrigeration engineer for material for this work. However, in the many instances, he has made use of the work of others, for which proper credit has been given. The author desires to gratefully acknowledge the assistance which has been ex- tended to him by various associations, publishers, manufac- ,turers, and others, during the preparation of the subject matter of this book.
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