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Sagot :
my great weekend ....
First I wake up at 8:00 and I thank God for another day of life, breakfast, get dressed and get ready to go to church with my family ..... the church service ends at 12: 00 am and then we head back home and do my homework if I have too many then my family amine sometimes go for a walk and go to the park take an ice cream ... My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate .... from there we go to a restaurant and eat ...... from there we go to the mall and buy clothes ..... then I came home at 5 : 00 pm, I arrive, I shower .. I seen and study to give me lessons and 7:00 pm, my mom cooks really rich .... eat then we see some movies and TV ... it's 9:30 pm and it was time to walk in the face ... no lie .... bedtime is gold ..... the Lord Jesus Christ ... and so ends my weekend .
First I wake up at 8:00 and I thank God for another day of life, breakfast, get dressed and get ready to go to church with my family ..... the church service ends at 12: 00 am and then we head back home and do my homework if I have too many then my family amine sometimes go for a walk and go to the park take an ice cream ... My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate .... from there we go to a restaurant and eat ...... from there we go to the mall and buy clothes ..... then I came home at 5 : 00 pm, I arrive, I shower .. I seen and study to give me lessons and 7:00 pm, my mom cooks really rich .... eat then we see some movies and TV ... it's 9:30 pm and it was time to walk in the face ... no lie .... bedtime is gold ..... the Lord Jesus Christ ... and so ends my weekend .
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