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redacción de inglés de 130 palabras sobre unas vacaciones memorables

Redacción De Inglés De 130 Palabras Sobre Unas Vacaciones Memorables class=

Sagot :

My vacation ... good for my holidays have been fun as I imagine everyone , that getting up late, do whatever you wanted with no obligation ... that was something special. But what I liked was more of a vacation is to travel even not far to travel simply . At the start of this holiday was to Cadiz where I stayed on the beach with my grandparents and uncles, we go to the beach is one of the best things about summer , I visited villages like San Lucar de Barrameda beach Bologna where we saw some Roman ruins and climbed a dune, per ... ate fried fish , shrimp pancakes , tuna trap etc, were in Mérida to very, very hot and saw a play at the Roman theater in the evening "Electra" . 've Also gone north with my cousins ​​where me and had a good , the bad was the weather, could only go one day at the beach that day but enjoyed it like five . After going north specifically to a village called Galizano where we made many friends went to Oporto a wonderful city north of Portugal, was not just to see the city but also to visit a friend I made at the exchange last year, is a charming , pestle, playful little girl and her sister more of the same . We went with them we take walks along the banks of the River Duero, boating on the river , see castles, churches, home da music is a very nice and original architectural monument , is used auditorium for shows of all kinds and last but not least we went to see the famous book in which the author of Harry Potter was inspired LELLO , is a different library , old , small but beautiful with every book you can imagine big and small adventures , kitchen, art, baking, horror, comedy , drama ... but all with a special charm not inside if not by where they are located. Near the library is a store of curious objects like brass boxes , brass bikes ... but more characteristic of the store is selling old things but no use writing as booklets , soaps, all kinds of toys , bags snack , clocks, magnets , toothpaste , brushes ...
We spent 4 days in port and then returned to Valladolid where I was with my friends a long time, also went to Benasque in the Pyrenees , where my uncles lives and I made mountain routes and went back to the peak Salvaguradia 2800 meters high , which Aneto is opposite . A town of Burgos where my grandmother Esther I have also gone to Arlanzón .
Make funny things is as important as travel this summer I mounted canoe for the first time and it was fun , it was a double canoe went before and my sister back, stayed with the canoe on a lake for an hour and it was really fun. Another cool thing about this holiday was going to fairs as every year . And these are my fantastic holiday.


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