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Oraciones con el verbo ask out

Sagot :



I ask questions during the class.

He asked me out today.

Can I ask you something?

She asks for help.

We ask for more information.

Did you ask where she wants to eat?

Please, ask the waitress for the menu.

They asked about the meeting.


I said "get-out" to my brother. / Yo le dije "fuera" a mi hermano.

The game finishes with three out. / El juego termina con tres bolas fuera.

We go out to know the city. / Nosotros salimos a conocer la ciudad.

She wants to wear her new shoes out. / Quiere vestir sus zapatos nuevos para salir.


espero averte ayudado


Mark's too shy to ask girls out.

Finally he asked her out.

Juliana is too shy to ask him out.

I kept being asked out by men.

Juan is too scared to ask her out.

How many people have you asked out?

We should ask them out for a meal sometime.

Our neighbours have asked us out for a drink.


Sí eso te sirve entonces de nada