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Sagot :
awareness - conciencia
baldness - calvicie
bitterness - amargura
blindness - ceguera
brightness - brillo
business - negocio
carelessness - descuido
cleanliness - limpieza
nstrucciones: Based on Active Italian, level 2, unit 5.
Fill in the blanks in the sentences here below selecting the appropriate masculine or feminine possessive adjective:
mio/mia - tuo/tua - suo/sua -nostro/nostra - vostro/vostra - loro / loro
In this exercise we practice on singular possessive adjectives.
Note how, contrary to English, articles are used in combination with possessive adjectives.
1) La _______ famiglia = My family
2) La _______ bicicletta = Your bike
3) La ________ amica = Our friend
4) Il ________ capo = Their boss
5) Il ________ ufficio = My office
6) La _______ università = Their university
7) Il ________esercizio = Our excercise
8) Il ________ lavoro = Your job
REMEMBER: You learned that Italian nouns can be feminine and masculine and depending on this they will take:
- feminine article, LA (indifinite una)
- masculine article, IL or LO (indefinite un or uno).
The same rule is true for all of the adjectives; they have to agree with the nouns to which they refer, masculine adjectives with masculine nouns, feminine adjective with feminine nouns - of course also singular with singular, plural with plural.
- I marked in blue the masculine possessive adjectives and in pink the femine possessive adjectives.
- If you are in doubt wether a noun is feminine or masculine, look at the article at the beginning of each sententence...
- Note how "loro"= "their" does not change in its feminine and masculine version.
- Contrary to English, possessive adjective agree with the object possessed, NOT with the possessor!
Exampole: Her son = Suo figlio (the possessor is feminine but the "thing" possessed is masculine)
Also note that we do not say "Il suo figlio" as we do not use the article when we refer to a family relative - it would sound as wrong as "the her son".
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