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Sagot :
Las siguientes oraciones son un claro ejemplo de la utilización de los auxiliares going to y will, los cuales empleamos para hablar del futuro.
- Are you going to go out tomorrow?
Yes, i'm going to go out tomorrow.
- Is he going to buy a car?
Yes, he's going to buy a car
- Are we going to swim in the beach?
No, we are not going to swim in the beach.
- Are they going to come to my house?
No, they are not going to come to your house.
- Is she going to go to the hairdresser?
Yes, she is going to go to the hairdresser.
- Will you run on that place?
Yes, i will.
- Will he look for a dog?
No, he won´t.
- Will she find a new friend?
Yes, she will.
- Will they make a cake?
No, they won´t.
- Will we go out?
Yes, we will.
Las oraciones interrogativas para responder afirmativamente o de manera negativa se logran establecer, en el siguiente párrafo:
1.- My friends and I are going to the supermarket and we will find Chinese food, do you believe us?
- Yes, I do.
-No, I don´t believe that.
2.- My mom is going to the airport and will she find my dad or not?
-Your mom will be with him.
-No, She will not be.
3.- My brothers are going to the hypodrome and they will bet on horses?
-That is possible.
- They are not there yet.
4.-the dog goes to his house and he will eat?
-Yes, the dog will eat its delicious food.
-No, the dog will not go.
5.-The neighbor is going to the pórtico, but he will fall with those stairs?
-Yes, the neighbor will fall.
-No, the neighbour will not fall.
Esta una forma de establecer las diferencias entre oraciones negativas y oraciones afirmativas en ingles.
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