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Necesito 25 oraciones con verbos irregulares en inglés. Por favor las necesito.

Sagot :

Los verbos irregulares en inglés, son aquellos verbos que al conjugarse cambian su forma, es decir, son los verbos que al usarlos en distintos tiempos (pasado, presente y futuro) cambian la manera de escribirse.

A continuación, se presentan 25 oraciones con verbos irregulares en inglés (y su verbo en infinitivo)


1.- Finally I became the master in my Math class. (become)


2.- I drank wine yesterday because I was very happy.  (drink)


3.- I accidentally cut my fingers and they bled too much.  (cut)


4.- Fortunately I did my chemistry homework two days ago.(do)


5.-  Rebecca found golden jewelry under her bed. (find)


6.- My parents spoke to my English teacher I am a genius.(speak)


7.- My grandfather told me to be a kind person forever. (tell)


8.- My girlfriend wore nice clothes, she impressed me. (wear)


9.- Cesar Vallejo wrote brilliant poems. (write)


10.- I spelt really badly the English word “accurately”. (spell)


11.- My uncle rode the horse very well this morning.  (ride)


12.- We began this project and we will finish it. (begin)


13.- Karen bought a nice car for me.  (buy)


14.- I fell down when I was playing soccer. (fell, am)


15.- Last week I ate a delicious pie. (eat)


16.- Luckily my mother forgave me, so I can go to the disco tonight. (forgive)


17.- Luis froze his soda, it’s very cold. (freeze)


18.- Your boss got good news for you.  (get)


19.- Jose Maria Arguedas grew up with poor people. (grow)


20.- My aunt said she will give me some money. (say)


21.- Ramon stole a wallet in the classroom yesterday. (steal)


22.- Your brother spat at the teacher. He is sick. (spit)


23- The workers built my mansion with passion.  (build)


24.- I drew butterflies. I like nature. (draw)


25.- I won the price. I finished the 25 sentences. (win)

A continuación se le presentará 25 oraciones con verbos irregulares, al igual que 25 verbos irregulares distintos:

25 oraciones con verbos irregulares en inglés.

  1. I beat the rap.
  2. She became an artist.
  3. It just began.
  4. He bet $1.5 M to africa.
  5. They bit the leave.
  6. They blow our mind.
  7. It built a colony.
  8. We caught a fish.
  9. She chose you.
  10. It cost me 100 bucks.
  11. He cut the photos.
  12. Marcus drew him self.
  13. We dreamt together.
  14. She drank coke.
  15. I felt on the ground.
  16. They fought at the yard.
  17. We found nemo.
  18. Rogelio forgot his part of the exam.
  19. Isabel went to help him.
  20. I ate the apple.
  21. He lay to me.
  22. Let us know.
  23. She lost in the woods.
  24. I knew her.
  25. She had a car.

25 Verbos irregulares.

  1. Had - Tuve.
  2. Knew - Supe.
  3. Lost - Perdió.
  4. Let - Dejó.
  5. Lay - Mintió.
  6. Ate - Comió.
  7. Went - Fue.
  8. Forgot - Olvidó.
  9. Found - Encontró.
  10. Fought - Peleó.
  11. Felt - Cayó.
  12. Drank - Bebió.
  13. Dreamt - Soñó.
  14. Drew - Dibujó.
  15. Said - Dijo.
  16. Kept - Mantener.
  17. Held - Cargar / Sostener.
  18. Left - Dejó.
  19. Made - Hizo.
  20. Lost - Perdido.
  21. Met - Conocí.
  22. Paid - Pagó.
  23. Ran - Corrió.
  24. Saw - Vió.
  25. Sought - Buscar.

Los verbos irregulares en inglés.

Son aquellos que reciben una modificación entera en pasado, o no tiene ninguna modificación; a diferencia de los verbos regulares que sólo se coloca el sufijo -ed.

Ejemplos de verbos irregulares.

  • Can: Could.
  • Might: Might.

Podrás completar tu conocimiento con:

  • 5 oraciones con monosilabos en ingles y 5 oraciones con bisilavos en ingles:
  • 20 oraciones con will:
  • 20 oraciones negativas en inglés:

Asignatura: Inglés.

Grado: Secundaria.

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