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necesito  una  conversacion en ingles sobre computadoras usando el presente continuo

Sagot :

A: Hello Tom, where are you going?
B: Hi Evicita, I am going to Toshiba Center, I want to buy a new computer.
A: That is great Tom, why do you need a new computer?
B: Because of my job. I am a programmer and I need to continue working at home.
A: Oh I see. I am needing a computer too. I could work from home.
B: Really. What do you do?
A: I am a Designer and I got a lot of work to so I need to advance my work at home with a computer.
B: Computers are very necessary at home right?
A: Yes, they are. Computers are becoming more and more important.

Conversación en inglés sobre computadoras en "Presente Progresivo".

  • Rogelio: Hello, good afternoon.
  • Computer Technician: How can I help you?
  • Rogelio: I'm here because my computer has virus.
  • Computer Technician: Ok, I'm going to check this out.
  • Rogelio: Ok, how is it?
  • Computer Technician: It is taking time to turning on.
  • Rogelio: What do you think about it?
  • Computer Technician: Yes, it is glitching. Leave me the computer and  I'm going to fix that glitch.
  • Rogelio: Thank you.
  • Computer Technician: Your welcome, see you in two days.

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