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20 oraciones en presente progresivo y cmbiarls a pregunta firmtiv o negativa

Sagot :

1) I am reading a book now. I am not reading a book now. Am I reading a book now?
2) We are playing with my friends Nick at the moment. We aren't playing with my friends Nick at the moment. Are we playing with my friends Nick at the moment?
3) They are writing a test now.They aren't writing a test now. Are they writing a test now?
4) Ann is doing her homework at the moment. Ann isn't doing her homework at the moment. Is Ann doing her homework at the moment?
5) My doctor is watchind at me now. My doctor isn't watchind at me now. Is my doctor watchind at me now?
8)  Our teacher is reading a text for us now.  Our teacher isn't reading a text for us now.  Is our teacher reading a text for us now?
9)  Their dog is playing a cat at the moment.Their dog isn't playing a cat at the moment. Is their dog  playing a cat at the moment?
10) We are eating this cake now.We aren't eating this cake now. Are we eating this cake now?
11) They are travelling round Russia now.They aren't travelling round Russia now. Are they travelling round Russia now?
12)  She is cleaning her room now. She isn't cleaning her room now. Is she cleaning her room now?
13) I am brushing my teeth at the moment. I am not brushing my teeth at the moment. Am I brushing my teeth at the moment?
14) My brother is writting his test now. My brother isn't writting his test now. Is my brother writting his test now?
15) They are singing this merry song at the moment.They aren't singing this merry song at the moment. Are they singing this merry song at the moment?
16) We are dancing quite now. We aren't dancing quite now. Are we dancing quite now?
17) They are watching new film about animals now. They aren't watching new film about animals now. Are they watching new film about animals now?
18) My baby is crying now. My baby isn't crying now. Is my baby crying now?
19) We are waiting for you at the moment.We aren't waiting for you at the moment. Are we waiting for you at the moment?
20) They are going to the park now.They aren't going to the park now. Are they going to the park now?