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Sagot :
December 25 is one of the most light and joyful
holiday in the world, it’s Christmas.
This year, I spent it in the village with my
parents and my grandmother , who lives near Paris. I have many friends in this
village, because I often go there for my holidays.
On the night of December 25, our parents
allowed us to celebrate it in one of our neighbors’ house. We set a great
holiday table with traditional Christmas meals , among which, of course, was
kutia, it is such porridge with raisins, which was prepared for us our by my
grandmother and our girls prepared a lot of different things: goose in apples,
salads and my grandmother's favorite hot cakes . It was fun and delicious. I
was Santa Claus this Christmas and I gave everybody the gifts that we had
prepared for each other.
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