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Sagot :
Palabras de Poder: Llegan pajaros negros. Llueve sangre. El viento grita rencores y rabia. Son trece palabras ya, y si lo he escrito bien las tres primeras frases deben resonar aún en tu cerebro. Vuélvelas a leer. Eso es. Y apaga tu sonrisa, siente la desolación de un paisaje donde todo color se difumina. Cincuenta y cuatro palabras. ¿Ves que el tiempo termina, que el polvo cubre lo hermoso, que el sol quema lo bello?. Es el poder y fuerza de los signos: grabar a fuego en tu piel lo terrible y oscuro, sin que sepas jamás que hay detrás del cien.
Words of Power Black arriving birds. It rains blood. The wind screams bitterness and anger. And thirteen words, and if I wrote well the first three sentences should still resonate in your brain. Vuélvelas to read. That's it. And turn off your smile, feel the desolation of a landscape where color fades. Fifty-four words. You see that the time is over, the dust covers the beautiful, the sun burns the beautiful?. It is the power and strength of signs: fire will burn your skin so terrible and dark, but you never know behind the hundred.
Words of Power Black arriving birds. It rains blood. The wind screams bitterness and anger. And thirteen words, and if I wrote well the first three sentences should still resonate in your brain. Vuélvelas to read. That's it. And turn off your smile, feel the desolation of a landscape where color fades. Fifty-four words. You see that the time is over, the dust covers the beautiful, the sun burns the beautiful?. It is the power and strength of signs: fire will burn your skin so terrible and dark, but you never know behind the hundred.
Books vs. e-books: People nowdays are spending their money
not only in books, but also in e-books. There are those who think books are a
waste of paper when you have an electronic device to help the planet, but others still rather buy a book instead of an e-book just because of the smell,
smells makes us take different decisions or have different opinions about
something just because of smelling it. Because of the smell people decide to
buy or not a perfume, this also happens with books (although not so
frequently).So, will books survive to the evolution of humanity? or will they
just disappear, like many other things?
Espero que te sirva (:
Espero que te sirva (:
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