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10 oraciones de affirmative statements

Sagot :

Las oraciones afirmativas o positivas son aquellas que se limitan a formar algo de modo objetivo

10 oraciones afirmativas, son:

1. I talk a lot.
2. I know the answer
3. She knows how to do that.
4. We are in this room.
5. He is helping me.
6. My teacher is tall. 
7. I am really strong.
8. I give up.
9. she is really happy.
10. Today is my birthday.

Affirmative Statements,  Examples:

  1. She Go to the School Every Day.
  2. You are Beutiful.
  3. You work very hard.
  4. She does the work of two people
  5. She is my Girlfriend.
  6. I speak several foreign languages.
  7. The service opens at ten o’clock
  8. The library is very big.
  9. The boy cries because his toy is broken
  10. My Dog is so smart

Las "Afirmative Statements", hace referencia a las oraciones positivas, escritas en un tiempo verbal del presente simple, son oraciones en la que el verbo se encuentra en su estado natural, y afirman una información.

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