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Escribir 15 oraciones con el verbo can en inglés

Sagot :

I can swim. 
You can always ask me for help.
Can you pass me the salt?
Can she do that?
I can always help.
He can break a nut with his head.
She can hurt you.
They can help you.
I am impressed that he can actually do that!
You can count on me.
You are old enough so I think you can handle the truth. 
You can go anywhere if you can read.
I will do it because I can.
We can cover her in plastic so she won't fall.
Some can cure the cancer, but I can eat ten pizzas in less than ten minutes.

Espero que te haya ayudado.


Can you pick me up at school?

I can swim very well.

My mom can cook good.

Can your dad play tennis?

Can your sister sing?

I can write nicely.

My dog can play fetch.

Their coach can be very mean.

Can you help me stand up?

My cat can still walk.

I can dance very well.

I can eat a lot.

Me and my sister can go shopping.

They can play soccer.

We can run fast.

No se si cuentan las de pregunta asi que aca estan otras que remplazan a las de preguntas:

I can do art.

We can feel the beat.

My dad can plant plants.

My friend can run a show.

Ojala que te sirva!❤