es el mejor lugar para obtener respuestas rápidas y precisas a todas tus preguntas. Nuestra plataforma de preguntas y respuestas ofrece una experiencia continua para encontrar respuestas fiables de una red de profesionales experimentados. Experimenta la conveniencia de encontrar respuestas precisas a tus preguntas con la ayuda de una comunidad dedicada de expertos.

complete with is, are, some, or any.

Sam: ..................there.................chips?

Walter: No, there aren't ...........chips.

We' ve got ........................... biscuit here.

Let's have ...........................pasta.

Tim: ...................there...................bread?

Mum: Yes, there........................bread.

I want...................................butter, please.



Mike: What...........Rob.................(do) outside?

Leo: He.............(play) rugby.

Mike: Rugby? But he never ...............(play) team sports.

Leo: I Know. He ......................(go) swimming every Friday but the pool is closed today.

Mike: But it.....................(rain). Students .......................(not go) outside on rainy days.

Leo: I know but the year 10 football team .................................. (play) in the hall and these boys ...................(love) rugby in the rain!

Sagot :

sam: are there any chips?
walter: no there aren't any chips.
Weve got some biscuits here.
Lets have some pasta.
Tim: are there some bread?
Mum: yes there is.
I want some butter.

What is Rob doing outside?
Leo: he is playing rugby.
Mike: but he never plays team sports.
Leo: I know goes swimming every...
Mike: but it is raining students don't go outside...
Leo: I know but the year 10 football team are playing in the hall and these boys love rugby in the rain.

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