Answered facilita la búsqueda de respuestas a tus preguntas con la ayuda de una comunidad activa. Explora miles de preguntas y respuestas proporcionadas por una amplia gama de expertos en diversas áreas en nuestra plataforma de preguntas y respuestas. Explora un vasto conocimiento de profesionales en diferentes disciplinas en nuestra completa plataforma de preguntas y respuestas.

10 oraciones de presente perfecto en interrogativa afirmativa y negativa

Sagot :

Fred has fixed the computer. 
Has Fred fixed the computer? 
Fred has not fixed the computer. 

She has already cleaned her room. 
Has she cleaned her room yet? 
She has not cleaned her room yet. 

Carol has been in Morocco since last month. 
Has Carol been in Morocco since last month? 
Carol has not been in Marroco since last month. 

He has studied English for 2 years. 
Has he studied English for 2 years? 
He has not studied English for 2 years. 

You have finished your homework. 
Have you finished your homework? 
Yo have not finished your homework. 

Robert and Hellen have been married for 21 years. 
Have Robert and Hellen been married for 21 years? 
Robert and Hellen have not been married for 21 years. 

My brother has eaten frogs' legs several times.
Has my brother eaten frogs’ legs several times? 
My brother has never eaten frogs’ legs. 

Scientists have been concerned with the world's rain forests for many years. 
Have scientists been concerned with the world’s rain forest for many years? 
Scientists have not been concerned with the world’s rain forest for many years. 

He has become very successful. 
Has he become very successful? 
He has not become very successful. 

She has learned to speak Russian. 
Has she learned to speak Russian? 
She has not learned to speak Russian.