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oraciones en ingles en singular y plural

Sagot :

The children are playing. Los niños estan jugando. 
The child is playing. El niño esta jugando. 
We went to eat to a chinese restaurant. Fuimos a comer a un restaurante chino. 
I went to eat to a chinese restaurant. Yo fui a comer a un restaurant chino. 
Those apples are delicious. Esas manzanas estan deliciosas. 
This apple is delicious. Esta manzana esta deliciosa. 
Those notebooks are very expensive. Esos cuadernos estan muy caros. 
That note is very expensive. Este cuaderno esta muy caro. 
The babies are crying because they are hungry. Los bebes estan llorando porque tienen hambre 
The baby is crying because he/she is hungry. El bebe esta llorando porque el/ella tiene hambre. 
the dog is big
the dog are big