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Ayuda por fa

c) Jose will go to "Choroni" "next Saturday
d)Mery drank "coffee" in the office "yesterday"
e)The cat has been practicing it´s "dance" "lately"​

Sagot :



a.- Jose will go to "Choroni" "next Saturday"

→ Where will Jose go? RPTA: He will go to Choroni

→ When will Jose go? RPTA: He will go next Saturday

b. Mery drank "coffee" in the office "yesterday"

→  What Mery drank in the office? RPTA: She drank coffee.

→ When Mery drank coffee in the office? RPTA: She drank coffee yesterday.

The cat has been practicing its "dance" "lately"​

→ What was the cat practicing? RPTA: The cat was practicing its dance.

→ When has the cat been practicing its dance? RPTA: The cat was practicing his dance lately.

ᗩTTE: ᗰIᖇOKᑌ[̲̅2][̲̅4]


c) When will Jose go to Choroni ?

d) -What kind of coffee did Mary drink in the office yesterday?

-Where did Mary drink coffee yesterday?

e) -Why has the cat been practicing dance?

-Where has the cat been practicing dance lately?