te ayuda a encontrar respuestas a tus preguntas con la ayuda de una comunidad de expertos. Obtén soluciones rápidas y fiables a tus preguntas con la ayuda de una comunidad de expertos experimentados en nuestra plataforma. Explora miles de preguntas y respuestas proporcionadas por una comunidad de expertos en nuestra plataforma amigable.

10 oraciones comparativas y 10 superativas

Sagot :



Yesterday was hotter than today.

This book is cheaper than that book.

That joke was funnier than his joke.

This test is more difficult than the last test.

The shops are always more crowded just before Christmas.

I find maths lessons more enjoyable than science lessons.

London is more expensive than Madrid.

This grammar topic is easier than the last one.

Why is everyone else luckier than me?

Mariah Carey is a bit younger than Madonna.  


My sister is the most careful person I know.

The richest people are not always the happiest.

Which do you think is the easiest language to learn?

You are the most irritating person I have ever met!

She's the luckiest person I know.

New York is the most exciting city in the USA.

Lima is the noisiest city in Peru.

The Saharan desert is the biggest one in the world.

The Nile is the longest river in the world.  
This Ferrari is the most expensive car in the world!