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Sagot :
El verbo 'to get' es un verbo irregular del inglés americano (en el inglés británico es regular) que tiene muchos significados dependiendo del contexto, por ejemplo:
- Volverse.
- Recibir.
- Empezar.
- Obtener.
- Llegar.
- Traer.
Además, al combinarse con adjetivos puede expresar estados anímicos como estar cansado (get tired) o estar molesto (get angry).
25 oraciones con el verbo get:
1. Where did you get that purse?
2. Mary got a job in the north last month.
3. Joseph couldn't get authorization to leave early today.
4. What can I get Sophie for her birthday?
5. We get our milk from the local store.
6. You can get cheaper food in the port.
7. My brother got an A in Maths.
8. Mr. Thomson finally got his divorce.
9. A french company got the bid.
10. Those thieves got 10 years in prison for armed robbery.
11. I’ve just got a message from my sister.
12. When will I get a letter from mom?
13. If I pass the exam, then I get a chocolate.
14. How much did you get in this job?
15. How much do you think I can get for this show?
16. Go and get the doctor.
17. Get your jacket, Peter.
18. Max has gotten the flu.
19. Will you get the phone, please?
20. How soon can you get to the mall?
21. I can get there in an hour.
22. Can you get there by train?
23. I didn’t get the joke.
24. Joe gets $20 per hour.25. Get some money, bro!
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