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Necesito una redacción sobre el uso de móviles en las aulas , y yo de ingles estoy super pegado

Sagot :

Mobile phones should be banned at school
Everybody says that mobile phones should be banned at school because they usually interrupt the class. However, I think that mobile phones are necessary because it is possible you need them when there is an emergency.
On the one hand there are some arguments to ban mobile phones at school. They annoy a lot if they ring in class. Students sometimes pay more attention to the mobiles than to the teacher. This is really the reason that teachers give, but students nowadays don’t admit any reason because they want their mobile phones to listen to music at the end of the class.
On the other hand if teenagers can’t use the mobile phone they will be very unhappy, bored and it may be necessary for an emergency.
All in all, I believe that mobile phones are needed. However, I admit they can makethe class difficult if they are on.


Mobile phones should be prohibited at school

Everybody says that mobile phones should be banned in school because they often disrupt class. However, I believe that mobile phones are necessary because you may need them when there is an emergency.

On the one hand, there are some arguments for banning cell phones at school. They are very annoying if they ring in class. Students sometimes pay more attention to mobiles than to the teacher. This is actually the reason teachers give, but students nowadays admit no reason why they want their mobile phones to listen to music at the end of class.

On the other hand, if teens cannot use the mobile phone, they will feel very unhappy, bored, and it may be necessary for an emergency.

All things considered, I think cell phones are needed. However, I admit that they can make the class difficult if they are in.


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