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Sagot :
El participio verbal es el modo que tienen los verbos en inglés y en español cuando están en tiempos perfectos. Estos siempre van acompañados del verbo auxiliar to have. En el caso del participio pasado(tiempo verbal pasado perfecto), este se forma con el auxiliar to have en pasado(had) y la forma participio del verbo principal. En el caso de los verbos irregulares, esta forma es igual que la que tienen en pasado simple y se construye con el sufijo -ed.
A continuación, 10 oraciones simples con participio pasado:
-He had gone visit his parents.
-The dog had eaten bones in the garden.
-I was cold because I hadn't taken any warm clothes.
-It was the first time she had ever competed in the Olimpics.
-The computer crashed. Luckily, I had saved all my work on it.
-We had known each other since we were five?
-He had never been to America before.
-It was the funniest thing she had ever seen.
-After we had done the washing-up, we went for a walk.
-When I arrived, Tim had left.
y aquí, 10 ejemplos de oraciones interrogativas con participio pasado:
Had she played chess?
Had you ordered the wrong books?
Had you put salt in the soup?
Had he studied the lesson?
Had you just had lunch?
How many years had you lived here?
Had you ever been to America before?
Had Carla gone out when I phoned her?
Had she finished her project before she went out?
Had you forgotten Sheila's birthday?
A continuación, 10 oraciones simples con participio pasado:
-He had gone visit his parents.
-The dog had eaten bones in the garden.
-I was cold because I hadn't taken any warm clothes.
-It was the first time she had ever competed in the Olimpics.
-The computer crashed. Luckily, I had saved all my work on it.
-We had known each other since we were five?
-He had never been to America before.
-It was the funniest thing she had ever seen.
-After we had done the washing-up, we went for a walk.
-When I arrived, Tim had left.
y aquí, 10 ejemplos de oraciones interrogativas con participio pasado:
Had she played chess?
Had you ordered the wrong books?
Had you put salt in the soup?
Had he studied the lesson?
Had you just had lunch?
How many years had you lived here?
Had you ever been to America before?
Had Carla gone out when I phoned her?
Had she finished her project before she went out?
Had you forgotten Sheila's birthday?
A continuación se le presentará una lista con 10 oraciones en pasado participio y 10 preguntas en pasado participio en ingles A demás de una breve explicación de cómo hacer las oraciones.
10 Oraciones en Pasado Participio
- I had met you more everyday. / Te había conocido cada día más.
- He had been working on his project. / Él había estado trabajando en su proyecto.
- She hadn't slept more on the last week. / Ella no había dormido más en esta última semana.
- You had read a lot of books. / Tú habías leído muchos libros.
- They hadn't studied chemestry. / Ellos no había estudiado química.
- I had waited the bus for hours. / Yo había esperado el autobús por horas.
- She had found the secret of life. / Ella había encontrado el secreto de la vida.
- He had worked by months. / Él había trabajado por semanas.
- It had copied all I had been saying. / Había copiado todo lo que había estado diciendo.
- She hadn't broken with her boyfriend. / Ella no había terminado con su novio.
10 Preguntas en Pasado Participio.
- Had they gone to the circus? / ¿Ellos había ido al circo?
- Had you watched The Lion King? / ¿Tu habías visto El Rey León?
- Hadn't He worked last month? / ¿Él no había trabajado el mes pasado?
- Hadn't she never listened to Taylor's songs? / ¿Ella no había escuchado las canciones de Taylor?
- Where had you been? / ¿Dónde habías estado?
- Hadn't she read my letter? / ¿Ella no había leído mi carta?
- What had she done? / ¿Qué había hecho ella?
- Why had he stolen my books? / ¿Por qué él se había robado mis libros?
- Why had She had going to the city? / ¿Por qué se había tenido que ir a la ciudad?
- How had it smelled like? / ¿Cómo había olido?
Pasado Perfecto o Past Perfect.
1. ¿De qué tiempo verbal se trata?
Es el tiempo verbal del inglés que se utiliza para comunicar los hechos que han tenido un largo transcurso en el pasado.
2. ¿Cómo construir oraciones?
- HAD.
- Pronombre personales: I, She, He, It, You, They, We.
- Fórmula para las oraciones: Pronombre Personal + Had / Had not - Hadn't + Verbo en Pasado Participio + Complemento.
- Fórmula para las preguntas: Had / Had not - Hadn't + Pronombre Personal + Verbo en Pasado Participio + Completo.
En este post se les presenta una lista con 10 oraciones en pasado participio y 10 preguntas en pasado participio en ingles. A demás de una breve explicación de cómo hacer las oraciones.
Contenido relacionado:
- 5 oraciones con monosilabos en ingles y 5 oraciones con bisilavos en ingles: brainly.lat/tarea/2609685.
- 20 oraciones con will: brainly.lat/tarea/1057185.
- 20 oraciones negativas en inglés: brainly.lat/tarea/1355638.
Asignatura: Inglés.
Grado: Secundaria.

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