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Activity E Today’s ________________. It’s _________________
1- Read the sentences and tick the correct word.
2- Listen to the audio and check.

3- Read and listen to the text. Circle the correct answer.
a. What’s the boy’s name? He’s Greg. - He’s Canberra.
b. How old is Greg? He’s 12. - No idea.
c. Is he from Australia? Yes, he is. - No, he isn’t.
d. Who’s Mr Harries? He’s the Math’s teacher. - He’s the Geography teacher.
e. Are Science and PE Greg’s favourite lesson? Yes, they are. - No, they aren’t.

4- Read Greg’s example and complete your text. Hello! My name is____________. I am _______ years old.
I am ________________.
My school is big; it’s in ___________ . It is the capital of Uruguay. My school address is 2274 Fernandez Crespo Avenue.

On___________ and ____________ I have English class. My favourite lessons are _______________ and _______________.
I really like __________________________________________________

5- Look at these words. Cross the odd one out.
blue - red - yellow – pencil They’re colours, pencil is not a colour.

A- twelve – thirteen – table – five
B- Monday – August – May -July
C- notebook - pen - student- board
D- mother – Language – teacher - dancer
E- Venezuela - the UK - Africa – Brazil -
F- read - fourteen - study – listen -
G- OK – please - IT – USA -

6- Complete the questions and match them to the answer.
Use the words in the box.

7. Let’s play!

Sagot :



A- twelve – thirteen – table – five

B- Monday – August – May -July

C- notebook - pen - student - board

D- mother – language – teacher - dancer

E- Venezuela - the UK - Africa – Brazil -

F- read - four - study – listen -

G- OK – please - IT – USA

(Puse en negrita lo que debes sacar/tachar)


Sólo te ayudé la 5 porque lo anterior era de un audio, espero haberte ayudado.