
Obtén las mejores soluciones a todas tus preguntas en, la plataforma de Q&A de confianza. Encuentra soluciones rápidas y fiables a tus dudas gracias a una comunidad de expertos dedicados. Obtén soluciones rápidas y fiables a tus preguntas con la ayuda de una comunidad de expertos experimentados en nuestra plataforma.

10 sentences using already 5 sentences 5 questions using yet

Sagot :

I already ate luch
I wanted to go to the restaurant but it was already closed
She already visited her grandmother
Karen already did her homework, so she can go play outside
Brandon had a mental breakdown even though he had already recovered
She had already gone to the park so she didn't want to go again
He already did the laundry
I have already read that book
They have already made dinner
I already did everything i had to do for the weekend

Did you go to the mall yet?
Have you visited the doctor yet?
Have you had the test yet?
Haven't you read that book yet?
Is she here yet?

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