
Obtén respuestas rápidas y precisas a todas tus preguntas en, la plataforma de Q&A de confianza. Nuestra plataforma de preguntas y respuestas ofrece una experiencia continua para encontrar respuestas fiables de una red de profesionales experimentados. Conéctate con profesionales dispuestos a ofrecer respuestas precisas a tus preguntas en nuestra completa plataforma de preguntas y respuestas.

15 oraciones con el verbo to be en presente y 15 en pasado con el verbo to be

Sagot :

PASADO  I was watching my favorite TV show.
You went to Paris with a friend.
He was cooking dinner.
She was explaining a project.
They were talking about the latest news on the war.
I was speaking on my cell phone.
He was planning a business trip.
She was checking the bill carefully.
They were complaining all the time.
He was talking about the food.
She was reading a magazine.
I was having breakfast.
The electricity went off when he was working on his PC.
She was talking about the prices.
We met interesting people during the conference.                                                             Presente         1I am in my house.
2.I am thinking of you.
3.You are eating what you like.
4.You are worried for the test of English.
5.He is ready for the test of math. 
6.He is waiting that you come back.
7.They are in the bus.
8.I’m in the school.
9.I’m doing cleaning.
10.You are cooking somethinf delicious.
11. You are sad because you feel alone.
12. He is happy because his mother comes back tomorrow.
13.He is ill of the heart.

15.We thinking on go to visit.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
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