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Receta de arroz a la cubana en inglés

Sagot :


how to make rice to Cuba
  In a saucepan put 1200 ml of water, a pinch of salt , a tablespoon of butter and a little oil
When it starts to boil add the rice we and leave 10 minutes, cooking time will depend on the type of rice , stirring occasionally to avoid bunching .
Once the rice made , which should not be hard but neither made ​​a paste, and rinsed it lightly and snuck chilled with cold water and let drain .
Peel the bananas and cut them to taste, either sliced ​​or along .
In another pan with some olive oil over medium heat we fry plantains. We remove and place on paper towels.
Now prepare the fried egg in a nonstick pan with oil finger .
When the egg cascamos smokes . With slotted spoon oil over cast .
When the egg is loose and floating in the pan, we get with the skimmer , being about to serve .
We salar eggs after removing the oil.
Heat the rice slightly in the microwave.
Serve the rice, add the tomato sauce and fried plantains.