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20 oraciones con when

Sagot :

When = Cuando, se puede usar para acciones puntuales. Además, When también es utilizado preguntar sobre el tiempo. Así, se puede traducir por “cuándo” y la respuesta indicará un momento en el tiempo.

Como ejemplo, se presentarán 20 oraciones con When.

1.- When i was in the school i read a lot of books.

2.- When i go to the cinema i eat popcorn.

3-. When i eat chocolates i feel good.

4.- When i travel to my work i sleep in the bus.

5.- When i do sports i wear sport clothes.

6.- When i go to your home you always are sleeping.

7.- I when play soccer when it was sunny.

8.- When you go to mexico don´t be afraid.

9.- When i wake up i dresse up.

10.- When were you born?

11-. When do you go at home?

12.- When do we have a party?

13.- I was eating when you called me.

14.- When i see you i want to kill myself.

15.- When did she play basketball?

16.- When i am at home i help my mom with the chores.

17.- When i was walking i walked on a sheet.

18.- When does he go shopping?

19.- When I study English, you dance.

20.- When the grandma died i was on vacances.

no se pero te dejo una pagina. https://ejemplifico/20-ejemplos-de-oraciones-en-ingles-con-when/
