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Have you ever imagined creating something that can help your community?
What inventions have made the world what it is now?
Which of the inventions from the graphic do you think has been the most useful?
What inventions are the most common in your community?

¿Alguna vez imaginó crear algo que pueda ayudar a su comunidad?
¿Qué inventos han hecho del mundo lo que es ahora?
¿Cuál de los inventos del gráfico crees que ha sido más útil?
¿Qué inventos son los más comunes en tu comunidad?

Sagot :


Have you ever imagined creating something that can help your community?

Yes, I thought about creating a city or a reform, but due to economic situations it is not possible.

What inventions have made the world what it is now?

The emergence of most of these technological inventions changed the course of history:

-The fire.

-The wheel.

-The plow.


-The concrete.

-The light bulb.

-Steam machine.

Which of the inventions from the graphic do you think has been the most useful?


With it, culture and information became popular and reached the whole world. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1400 and a hundred years later they were in operation throughout Europe on a massive scale. Gutenberg would thus become one of the most famous and influential inventors in the history of mankind.

What inventions are the most common in your community?

Among the most common are:




