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ayuda porfavor

complete the sentences with the correct verb *to be* look the exemple.

a) Example I *am* student [am-is-are]
b)you______ a teacher.
c) My mom_____my fried.
d)Peter______a football soccer player.
e)the dog______ playing in the sofa.
f)we_____studying English.
g)they____listening music.​

Sagot :


b) You are a teacher

c) Mi mon is my fried

d) Peter is a football soccer player.

e) The dog is playing in the sofa

f) We are studying English

g) They are listening music.


Is se utiliza con: She (ella), He (él) y it ( refieriéndose a alguna cosa, animal o así)

Are se utiliza con: We (nosotres), They (ellos/ ellas) y You (tú)

